Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina to Key Biscayne

Loggerhead Yachthafen - Riviera Beach Yachthafen

Distance - 68.1 Nm

Durchschnittliche Geschwindigkeit
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
13 hours, 37 minutes
6 hours, 49 minutes
3 hours, 24 minutes
2 hours, 16 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina to Key Biscayne with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina

Riviera Beach

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina

+1 (561) 840-6868
Jr Branche

End Location
Key Biscayne


Contact details for Key Biscayne

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina to Key Biscayne

Pilotage Plan from Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach to Key Biscayne


  • Start: Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach
  • End: Key Biscayne
  • Total Distance: Approximately 75 nautical miles, depending on exact routing and stops

Pre-Departure Checks:

  1. Weather Forecast: Always check the local weather conditions for the day and a few days ahead. The route is exposed to the Atlantic, making weather a critical consideration.
  2. Vessel Preparation: Ensure your vessel is in prime condition. This includes checking fuel levels, engine health, emergency equipment, and provisioning.
  3. Local Regulations: Confirm any updates on local boating regulations, especially concerning marine protected areas along your route.

Route Overview:

Leaving Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach, begin your journey by heading south through the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW). This passage offers sheltered waters and scenic views of Florida’s coastline, perfect for those seeking a blend of safety and enjoyment.

1. West Palm Beach to Lake Worth Inlet:
As you start, you’ll encounter the beautiful urban backdrop of West Palm Beach. Pay attention to the marked channels and keep a lookout for commercial traffic, especially around the Port of Palm Beach and Lake Worth Inlet. Navigation aids like buoys and markers are critical here due to the traffic and the occasional strong currents.

2. Passing Peanut Island:
Just south of the Lake Worth Inlet, Peanut Island is a notable stop for its park and snorkeling opportunities. This area can be busy, especially on weekends, so be vigilant of swimmers and recreational boaters.

3. Boynton Beach to Delray Beach:
Continuing south, you’ll cruise past many smaller bays and marinas. These spots, such as the Boynton Harbor Marina, offer good sheltering options and amenities should the need arise. The waters here are generally calm, but always be on the lookout for manatees, especially in designated manatee zones.

4. Boca Raton:
As you approach Boca Raton, the ICW becomes narrower, and careful navigation is necessary. The Boca Raton Inlet is a key landmark but can be challenging due to shifting sands and currents. Unless familiar with the inlet, recreational boaters are advised to continue down the ICW.

5. Fort Lauderdale:
Navigating through Fort Lauderdale—known as the "Venice of America"—provides an urban spectacle with its lavish waterfront homes and yachts. Keep an eye on the traffic, adhere to speed restrictions, and be mindful of bridges, some of which require an opening for passage.

6. Miami to Key Biscayne:
Approaching Miami, the skyline presents a dramatic backdrop. The route becomes densely populated with boating activity, both recreational and commercial. Navigation aids are plentiful, but so are challenges due to the high traffic volume. Upon reaching Key Biscayne, explore the serene waters of Biscayne Bay or visit the iconic Cape Florida Lighthouse.

Important Considerations:

  • Bridges: You will encounter several drawbridges requiring timing and sometimes a call-ahead for opening. Ensure you have the latest bridge opening schedule.
  • Traffic: The ICW can be congested, particularly near urban areas and on weekends. Maintain a proper lookout and adhere to boating etiquette.
  • Weather Shelters: Plan for potential shelter locations. Spots like Lake Boca Raton offer anchorage if the weather turns. Always have an alternative destination in mind.
  • Manatee Zones: These are common throughout the ICW. Follow speed restrictions and watch for these gentle creatures to avoid harm.
  • Marine Protected Areas: Particularly around Key Biscayne, be aware of and respect marine reserves and protected areas.
  • Local Attractions and Stops: While safety is paramount, combining the journey with visits to places like Peanut Island, the historic Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse, or the vibrant scenes of Fort Lauderdale and Miami can make for a memorable trip.

Who Is This Route For?
Ideal for leisure boaters and yacht enthusiasts who appreciate a journey that combines the safety of inland waterway cruising with the allure of South Florida’s coastal life. Both novices and seasoned skippers will find this route rewarding, with ample opportunity to enjoy both the journey and the destinations.


The voyage from Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina to Key Biscayne is not just a journey, but an adventure that weaves through the heart of Southeast Florida’s most enchanting waterway scenes. With meticulous planning and respect for local regulations and marine life, sailors are assured of a safe, enjoyable, and unforgettable maritime experience.

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