Williams Island Marina to Kemp Channel

Williams Island Jachthafen

Distance - 139.3 Nm

Durchschnittliche Geschwindigkeit
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
1 day, 3 hours, 52 minutes
13 hours, 56 minutes
6 hours, 58 minutes
4 hours, 39 minutes
Get route planning for Williams Island Marina to Kemp Channel with savvy navvy

Start Location
Williams Island Marina

4100 Island Bl #2, Aventura, Fl 33160

Contact details for Williams Island Marina

+1 (305) 937-7813, Open Daily from 9am to 6pm
Bill Draughon, Marina Manager

End Location
Kemp Channel

Hawk Channel, Lower Keys

Contact details for Kemp Channel

Route plan from Williams Island Marina to Kemp Channel

Itinerary Planning: Williams Island Marina to Kemp Channel

Embarking on a journey from Williams Island Marina to Kemp Channel is an undertaking that promises the thrill of open waters paired with the serene beauty of coastal landscapes. This route is tailored for the adventurous boater with a keen eye for natural wonders and a cautious respect for maritime navigation. Below is a comprehensive pilotage plan designed to ensure a memorable yet safe passage.

Departure: Williams Island Marina

Your journey begins at the Williams Island Marina, where the blend of luxury and the call to adventure sets the perfect stage for your departure. Before setting sail, ensure your vessel is fully equipped with safety gear and provisions, and check the local weather and tides.

Step 1: Preparing for Departure

  • Safety Check: Conduct a thorough safety check of your vessel. Ensure life jackets, navigation lights, communication devices, and emergency rations are onboard and in good working condition.
  • Weather and Tides: Review the latest weather forecast and tidal information. Your journey will be significantly impacted by these, so plan your departure time accordingly.

Step 2: Navigational Route and Points of Interest

  • Leaving Williams Island Marina: Navigate cautiously through the marina's vicinity, adhering to the posted speed limits and keeping an eye out for other vessels.
  • Passing Biscayne Bay: As you venture into Biscayne Bay, you'll find the waters welcoming yet demanding respect. Pay close attention to navigational aids like buoys and markers, which are crucial for safely guiding your path.
  • John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park: Before reaching open ocean, consider a detour to this underwater park. It's a sanctuary for marine life and a haven for snorkelers and divers, offering a unique underwater experience.
  • Hawk Channel: Once in Hawk Channel, you'll find more navigational aids guiding the way. This segment requires vigilance as weather conditions can change swiftly. Hawk Channel offers a safer route with shallower waters, shelter from the open ocean, and is lined with aids to navigation, making it preferable for less experienced ocean navigators.
  • Key Largo to Marathon: This stretch offers spectacular coastal views and potential stopovers like Islamorada, known for its fishing and Dive Capital reputation.
  • Marathon to Kemp Channel: Approaching Kemp Channel, the waters invite you with their calm, but stay alert. This area can be tricky due to currents and shallower spots.

Points for Shelter and Interest

  • Boot Key Harbor (Marathon): In case of adverse weather, Boot Key Harbor provides a safe haven with anchorage and marina services. It’s also a great stop for replenishing supplies.
  • Bahia Honda State Park: A potential stop before reaching Kemp Channel, ideal for its picturesque beaches and the historical Bahia Honda Rail Bridge.

Navigational Aids and Hazards

  • Reefs and Shoals: The route is dotted with coral reefs and shoals. Always keep a safe distance, and use your charts and GPS to navigate around these natural hazards.
  • Channel Markers: Pay close attention to channel markers, especially when entering or leaving bays and channels. They are your guide to avoiding shallow areas and maintaining a safe course.
  • Local Regulations: Familiarize yourself with local regulations, including speed limits and protected areas. Adherence is not just legal but respectful to the marine environment and other sailors.


This journey from Williams Island Marina to Kemp Channel caters to the boater who seeks the dual thrill of open-sea adventure and the tranquility of coastal retreats. By prioritizing both safety and the spirit of exploration, this itinerary promises a fulfilling sea voyage. It's perfectly suited for boaters with a penchant for navigation, a respect for marine conservation, and a love for the open water. Approach this voyage with preparation and caution, and the sea will reward you with unforgettable experiences.

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